I freakin’ luv this album. Every song on the album I love, from the first track to the last. I think Adele is an amazing writer. She has a beautiful voice with so much soul. For anyone that does not know who this chick is, they definitely need 2 find out. Her music is like a mix of the blues and neo-soul. She definitely put her heart and soul into this album. I’m assuming she must have gone through a bad break up because most of the songs are pretty much about heart break. I think I could relate to almost every song on the album. I swear, it was like she made this album just for me. Some of these songs will have you in tears, so I suggest if u just had a really bad break up, u might wanna prepare yourself. But the songs are beautiful. I tried to narrow down like my top 5 favorites, but I couldn’t because I love every song on the album. My Most favorite song right now that stays on repeat is turning tables. Just to give you a bit of what the song lyrics are:
“Under haunted skies I see ooh
Where love is lost, your ghost is found
I braved a hundred storms to leave you
As hard as you try, no I will never be knocked down
I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb, I can't breathe
So, I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
I won't rescue you, you to just desert me
I can’t give you, what you think you gave me
It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
Turning tables”
If you don’t already have it u should definitely go out and get it, or download it from itunes. Best CD, I’ve heard so far this year. amazon.com
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